
This workshop is your place to follow and engage with the Ternion project.

Each month we will release a chapter of the workshop draft of the comic along with concurrent updates to the Story Bible and additional material such as…

  • Professionally illustrated art

  • Video chats from the creators

  • Behind-the-scenes content showing the project’s evolution from conception to comic

By the end, the workshop draft of the entire first arc will be on this site with quality supporting art. We think you’ll like this story so much that, like us, you will want to see it realized by talented artists and to hold a copy in your hands. We hope to give you that opportunity.

Start reading the story by clicking the image to your right, or look below for additional content.

Follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook group for updates, and enjoy these little bits of content while you wait for the launch:


Release covers by Vlad Vov

Story Bible


I: 1 Prologue






Makers - Keepers
Outsiders - The Relegy